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Alcoholism and Criminal Justice

Elicia Maxwell


Offenders within the Criminal Justice System have alcohol-related problems. Alcohol misuse increases the potential for violent and criminal behaviour.

Contribution to criminal behaviour:

PHYSIOLOGICAL FACTORS: Stimulating effect, indirectly and directly on brain pleasure center to induce a high motivation to consumer more alcohol. It causes sedative and toxic effects such as problems coordinating movements and longer reaction times. Aggressive and impulsive behaviour with stimulatory effects of alcohol. Stimulate violent actions, highly impulsive or antisocial personality disorder.

ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES: Increased alcohol availability associated with higher alcohol consumption, higher rates of alcohol-related crimes. Access to alcohol is limited or inconvenient, alcohol is more expensive to purchase. Enforcing laws against sales to minors or intoxicated people.

Criminal Justice

Alcohol misuse results in increased criminal justice and law enforcement expenses, decreased work productivity and increased health care costs. It can affect aspects of society. Higher incidence of DUI related accidents. Increased traffic fatalities, public and private property damage and higher insurance premiums. Increase medical claims and potential increase in work related accidents.

Alcohol-related violent incidents are defined as violent incidents where the victim perceived as offenders are under the influence of alcohol at the time o the incident. Location of the incident (around licensed premises) and whether the victim was under the influence of alcohol.

Alcohol-related crimes:

Alcohol plays a large role in criminal activities and violence. Ability to lower inhibitions, impair person judgement and increase risk of aggressive behaviours. Prolonged drinking or binge drinking significantly increases risk of committing violent offenses.

ROBBERY: Intensify a robber feeling of desperation and cause them to steal someone money or property. Consequences are harsh and entail jail time and criminal charges.

SEXUAL ASSAULT: Forced sexual act and involve touching, kissing and intercourse. Perpetrators drinking may intensify their aggressive behaviour. Forceful when someone tries to resist them. Sexual assault can occur when there is a lack of consent, and victim unable to give consent due to intoxication or mental state.

AGGRAVATED ASSAULT: Warning sign of alcohol abuse is irritability and extreme mood swings. Poor decisions, impaired judgment, aggression and hostility can become dangerous. Means causing serious injury such as bodily harm to another person.

DOMESTIC ABUSE: Aggression, intimidation, forced sexual activity and other forms of controlling behaviour. Romantic partner causes physical, psychological or sexual abuse to their significant other. 2/3 victims suffer from violence by current or former spouse has reported the perpetrator has been drinking. It can cause significant hardships, financial difficulties, child care problems, infidelity and other challenges.

CHILD ABUSE: It impacts the children within the family household. Risk of child neglect and abuse. 4/10 child abusers have admitted to being under the influence of alcohol during the time of offense.

Alcoholism and Traffic Fatalities:

Dangerous societal effects of alcoholism including injuries to self aggression others, violent crimes, and traffic fatalities. Driving under the influence has serious economic and societal impact in motor vehicle crashes.

Public education and community outreach towards prevention, recovery, relapse and treatment of alcoholism. Communities implement plans and programs to reduce occurrence of alcohol misuse related incidents. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration implemented drive sober or get pulled over campaign in cooperation with local and state law enforcement.

Until the next Legal Thought,

Elicia Maxwell



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