Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme is a police policy giving people the right to know if their current or ex-partner has any previous history of violence or abuse.
Clare Wood:
Clare was murdered by her abusive ex boyfriend in 2009. Following a landmark campaign led by Clares father, Michael Brown, it was formally rolled out in England and Wales (2014). She met her ex boyfriend, George Appleton, on social media and was unaware of his criminal history. The pair began a 6-month relationship, upon her ending this it had turned coercive. He subjected her to abusive behaviour including harassment, damage to property, threats of violence and attempted assault.
Despite making a police statement and gaining a restraining order, Appleton behaviour was unchecked. Investigations later revealed he had a history of violent and abusive behaviour. Greater Manchester Police knew this behaviour but had not disclosed such information to Clare.
What is abuse?
Harassment, verbal abuse, stalking, psychological threats or manipulation, sexual assault and violent behaviour.
Incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and violent behaviour.
Domestic abuse = psychological and emotional abuse, physical and sexual abuse, financial and economic abuse, harassment and stalking, online or digital abuse.
Rights for consideration:
Application in requesting information about current or ex partner
Requesting information on behalf of close friend, neighbour or family member
Right to ask = heterosexual or same sex relationship, AGED 16 YEARS OLD +, ethnicity and race, religion and other characteristics
Right to know = police checks showing records of violent or abusive behaviour, the police proactively must share that information with you.
Domestic abuse perpetrators:
The police maintain a number of databases which hold domestic abuse perpetrators. The police national computer, police national database and ViSOR Dangerous Persons Database. The Home Office and Ministry of Justice jointly funded a project to create the new Multi-Agency Public Protection System (MAPPS) which allowed VISOR to be decommissioned. Allowing Criminal Justice agencies to more efficiently share information, improving the risk assessment and management of MAPPA nominals. Domestic Abuse Protection Orders under the Act and Stalking Protection Orders introduced in January 2020 provide an additional tool for managing the risk posed by perpetrators.
It has been considered lawful, proportionate and necessary.
The Police must decide whether disclosing confidential records as part of the application was appropriate. A collective decision must be made upon disclosing information. Upon applying on behalf of another, disclosure is likely to depend on the relationship with that person and the ability to keep them safe.
Until the next Legal Thought,