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Self Determination

Elicia Maxwell

Updated: May 7, 2023

Going into the new year many will feel determined to accomplish goals and personally develop. However, after a couple of weeks many will find themselves demotivated and questioning why they should even continue their journey. This article explores ways for you to figure out what will keep you determined throughout the year, and create a plan to stick to!

Self-determination is a combination of skills, knowledge, and beliefs that enable a person to engage in goal-directed, self-regulated, autonomous behaviour. An understanding of one's strengths and limitations, together with a belief in oneself as capable and effective are essential to become determined. When acting on the basis of these skills and attitudes, individuals have greater ability to take control of their lives.

Write a list of goals that you want to accomplish in the next 12 months. Be realistic but inspiring. Do not write out potential accomplishments that you know is not achievable, you will feel disheartened when you do not accomplish this.
Reflect on the previous few years, your achievements and failures. Make note of what you have accomplished professionally and personally in 2022. This will help you to think about goals for the following year to accomplish. Reflection is what will keep you determined. In order to create a mindset of progression and determination you should have a system to hold you accountable of your plans.
EXAMPLE = "I will graduate from university this summer"
Typically when the new year comes people will make new goals and not think more deeply into it. By thinking into more about why you have chosen that goal and why at this point of your life can determine you to achieve it. Willpower is fuelled by emotion. It is a motivation for you to keep going.
For you to keep your motivation burning, you need to have a strong reasoning of WHY behind it. It is your reason for doing what you have chosen to pursue. You must ensure that your why is strong in reason and this will guide you to know what to do next. When you are determined, you perform at a high level. However, fear interferes with this process and makes you deliver lower results than is required. As such, you have to be brave and face your fears become more determined.

In reflection of task one, write your WHY in response to each goal you have set to accomplish. When you are feeling demotivated or uninspired refer back to this note of why you are trying to accomplish this goal.
EXAMPLE= Your reasoning can be simple or it can be more personalised and detailed. "I will pass my modules this academic year so I can graduate in Summer".

Self-control can be applied by sticking to your routines, plans and targets. This is a guaranteed way to progress. However, by postponing irrelevant things can actually help you. The practice of delayed gratification is where you decide to delay your reward until you achieve something. This normally contributes positively to your discipline and makes your willpower stronger. But, it is important to schedule in breaks and self care time for yourself. The break will ensure that you can focus on the goals you have set and allow you to clear your mind. Therefore, schedule breaks in your pursuit of excellence.

Question of thought = Do you have self control?
When looking through your goals and the reasons why, assess whether this is achievable and whether you are wanting it for the right reasons. Think about how this will positively impact your life, or whether it is not as important as other goals you have set.

Whenever we have so much will to perform in an excellent way, a negative thought emerges out of nowhere and destroys this strength. To eliminate it, simply think of a positive thought every time the negative one emerges. This helps you to control your thoughts and eventually will shape your actions. Whenever we are stressed, we tend to go back to the habits that we have already developed. These could be bad or good ones. Good habits can keep you strong even when you are facing challenges. They can keep your determination alive.

Think about the goals you have made for the next year, do these goals fulfil the emotion of positivity?
If the answer to the question is no, can you think of ways that can make this goal positive? Through making the goal positive will motivate you to accomplish the goal because you have made it reachable.

The relevance of this article is to make you think, reflect and assess about what makes you feel empowered. Through doing the tasks assigned will enable you to accomplish that, as well as build upon your personal development. Becoming self aware of your reasons for reaching goals will determine you to reach them when your mood is of low spirit.

• Define success for yourself.
• Set personal, academic, and career goals.
• Keep your expectations high.
• Understand your abilities and disabilities.
• Play to your strengths.
• Develop strategies to meet your goals.
• Use technology as an empowering tool.
• Work hard. Persevere. Be flexible.
• Develop a support network. Look to family, friends, and teachers.

You have to be determined for YOU.

Until the next thought,

Elicia Maxwell


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