The Scales of Justice:
The scales of justice is proposed to represent the merits of arguments with the understanding of a fair judgement as an outcome. Unbalanced scale are used a political commentary to ensure there is fair rulings and arguments proposed. It represents fairness within court cases and evidence / details of the case should be presented to the court. The courts should give fair and objective consideration to all evidence without bias. Impartiality in the court decisions is a power of equal justice.
The scales were meant to represent a fair and impartial system created to bring a just verdict and fair punishment. The blindfolding of Lady Justice implicates that justice will outweigh any malice within the criminal justice system. Her representation of morality ensures that the court room is transparent order and enforcing the correct ruling upon judgement.
Social Justice:
There are five principles regarding social justice that enables individuals to be protected. Human rights are fundamental foundation to social justice. It is fundamental to respect the rights of individuals and governments, but ensure there is accountability for not upholding these rights.
Access to resources references to the equal access of individuals receive. It looks at the possibility of individuals being disadvantaged in society due to unchosen characteristics and qualities compared to another. Equity refers to how individuals are given tools specific to their needs and socio-economic status. It helps to address issues and advancement of policies will support the overcoming of systemic barriers.
Participation enables everyone in society to have the right to voice and verbalise their opinions and concerns. Social injustice becomes apparent when individuals become unlawfully limited to express their views. Understanding diversity and cultural differences enables a construction of policies a consideration of differences. It is important to recognise that individuals will face various barriers in society and can become a victim to marginalised disadvantages.
Tipping the scales:
The greater weight of the evidence required ensures that the evidence presented is considered to tip the scales. Such as considering the circumstances causing harm and losses, as well as rule in favour of one of the parties. The judge or jury is responsible for determining which side is heavier when all the evidence and arguments has been presented.
Until the next Legal Thought,
Elicia Maxwell